Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Just Chillin'
Sorry I haven't written in a while! I've been doing other things, but I'm just chillaxin right now. Everything is still going fine and I'm really excited about tomorrow and Friday. Betcha can't guess what's happening tomorrow! Gotta good answer? If you said it was my birthday, you're right! I'm turning twelve tomorrow. The only bad thing about tomorrow is that I have a stinky math benchmark. At least it's not gonna be all day! On Friday, I'm having my birthday party. The only thing I can tell you about it now is that it's gonna be great. Last week, I went to a Miley Cyrus concert. It was actually my birthday present from mom and dad. Sometime soon I will post about the concert. Well, it's getting kind of late so I better go to bed.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Middle School
Yo yo yo, peeps! This is 6th grader Cassie C posting on this nice evening. I am surviving middle school! It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I haven't been stressed out or anything, it's actually pretty easy. My teachers are all pretty awesome too. They all help me understand things well and they are very nice. Even though we don't have recess in middle school, it's really fun. I'm glad I don't have to be in one classroom like in elementary school. Sitting in one chair for the whole day is really boring. In middle school, I have more freedom. With more freedom, more responsibility comes. I haven't had a problem with anything though!
Monday, August 10, 2009
West Virginia Trip
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The New Nintendo DSi
I've saved up my money and finally bought a nintendo DSi! I'm so happy and it was definitely worth the wait and the money. Let me tell you about some of the cool features of this little gadget. This game system has two screens, with the bottom one being a touch screen. The games are more fun to play because of this. When your not playing it, you can close it like a book. The DSi also has a camera. The camera has two lenses, one on the outside and one inside. This allows you to either take a picture of yourself, or switch lenses and take a picture of someone else. The camera also includes lots of different settings. These include distortion, grafitti, color, color pad, frame, resemblence, emoter, and morph. I may have forgotten some or called them the wrong name, but there's so much in this that I can't remember! You may not beleive me, but there's even more in the DSi. A cool thing called DSi Sound is where you can listen to the music on your SD card and record something for ten seconds or less and then edit it to make it how you like it. At the DSi shop you can buy cool games to download to your DSi. The internet browser is free and as long as you have your internet settings confirmed you can use it. I'm actually typing from it right now! Picto chat is a cool place where you can chat and draw pictures to DS users in range of yours. DS download play is where you can play games with your friends. I think that's about it but if I forgot anything sorry because it's 10:00pm right now so I'm kinda tired lol. Thanks for reading and u try to get a DSi sometime!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Adventure Day 2009
Yesterday was our 5th grade adventure day. We went to the Field House, where parents hosted fun activities for us to play. My team, the cheetahs, played Soccer, crab coccer, flag football, dodge ball, and a relay race game. It was extremely fun. My mom ran the dodgeball. That was my favorite. The relay was pretty cool too. We hopped through hula hoops, skipped with jump ropes and raced with partners. I didn't really like the flag football that much because I didn't know how to play and when I watched it looked really boring. We were originally going to have adventure day outside but it rained. But that's ok! I'm really glad we had adventure day!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Last Week Of School :( + :)
This is the last week of school :) and elementary school :( . My friends and I said our good-byes to the feild we used to play in and the cafeteria we used to have the best times in. We will be going to Middle school next year. I'm actually excited about it, just don't want to leave this school. I'm also looking forward to this summer though! We're going to do lots of cool stuff. Gonna keep partyin' for the rest of the week!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
CRAZY NEWS!!! First Graders Attack 5th Grade!
Earlier we had recess and something happened that never has before- first grade attack. Usually one grade at a time is out there, but not today! First graders swarmed around us, having huge grins spread from ear to ear. Everywhere I looked, a first grader was sure to be in sight. Suddenly, one walked up to me. He wore a camouflage shirt with holey jeans. I knew this kid! He was my brother! He was the worst of them all. As he started to walk closer, I rushed away quickly. The laughing I heard came from my friends. It was unbelievable, when I found out they were helping the first graders!!! It was so sad to find out they had taken over my friends. They ran like lions, chasing their prey. I was sure I was dead when he grabbed me. It felt like a million tigers pulling on me, even though it was just one 8 year old boy. As I screamed, the feeling got worse every second. No one was on my side. The first grade had taken over their minds. Eventually, I jerked around and was finally turned loose. The horrible attack still continued. After a few minutes, I heard a whistle blow. It must have been their signal to leave because they all started flying to their master. I was relieved, but badly hurt. The War Was Over.
Note: Streched Story
Note: Streched Story
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I have a challenge for you guys! Megan and I got through an HOUR STRAIGHT of this, how long can you last? You aren't allowed to stop watching, even for a fraction of a second. If you have to go to the bathroom, take your iPhone with you. If all fails, just turn the volume up loud enough so you can hear it. Comment on the Nyan Cat post and tell me how long you lasted!