Saturday, August 20, 2011

Braces. OW.

I'm not too worried about what they look like now. They're just SORE. I HATE BRACES :,,,,,,( The dentist messed something up with them too, so theres a wire poking my cheek and two wires sticking up out of my braces poking my lip. GRRRR. The good thing is, I'm going to get that fixed soon. At least they don't look too bad :) I got neon green!

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Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics
I have a challenge for you guys! Megan and I got through an HOUR STRAIGHT of this, how long can you last? You aren't allowed to stop watching, even for a fraction of a second. If you have to go to the bathroom, take your iPhone with you. If all fails, just turn the volume up loud enough so you can hear it. Comment on the Nyan Cat post and tell me how long you lasted!