Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Here they are, friends of mine that doubt me. YOU GUYS LAUGHED AT ME FOR HALF OF LUNCH!!! LOL. Wow. And don't you dare tell me this pic is fake.... I'll be honest. I did see alot of fake pics, but this one isn't. WOOTWOOT for Blue Raspberries!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

New School Year

I have a feeling 8th Grade is going to be amazing. I got in classes with a ton of my friends! My teachers are really nice too. Tomorrow, I get to start my first FULL week of school. We went for two days last week, for those of you that live somewhere else. I'm pretty siked for tomorrow, it's a B daaaaay! I used to hate B days. Now I love em! See you guys tomorrow.

Bye Irene :)

Irene is gone. There is absolutely no damage to my house! Soooooo happy about that! I was really scared a tree would hit our house. Just to be safe, I spent my night in the basement. I was watching the news and saw there's flooding and a little bit of damage in other places.... sorry people! At least my family and friends are okay :) Farewell, Irene.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Go Away Irene!!!

Irene's got us..... I've never been in a hurricane until now! It's TERRIBLE!!! I have to stay downstairs until it ends. Alot of trees around us are falling. It's REALLY SCARY. I hope everyone's doing okay! We've had way too much extreme weather lately..... earthquakes, hurricane..... what next???

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Braces. OW.

I'm not too worried about what they look like now. They're just SORE. I HATE BRACES :,,,,,,( The dentist messed something up with them too, so theres a wire poking my cheek and two wires sticking up out of my braces poking my lip. GRRRR. The good thing is, I'm going to get that fixed soon. At least they don't look too bad :) I got neon green!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Tomorrow. Braces. Tonight, I shall chew 10 pounds of sugary gum, eat 15 bags of popcorn, and fit in 751 laffy taffys. First thing in the morning tomorrow I'm gonna take a motrin to stop the pain I'll have later that day from the newcoming braces. The only thing I'm looking forward to with the braces, is the color. First I'm getting neon green. Hopefully you guys won't make such a fuss over it since I'll see the majority of you Friday.... :). It's JUST braces, no big deal. Please don't treat me any differently!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dreading... dreading....

I'm not trying to seem negative or anything, but I've been dreading a lot of things lately. Braces are coming Wednesday, I'm definitely dreading that. School is coming. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have Governor School projects to do. I'm not really looking forward to that. And then there's Monday. Schedule day. I'm as nervous as heck!!! I MUST get in classes with my friends! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH <3 If for whatever reason we don't get classes next year, stop by my locker every now and then, kay?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fruit Ninja Kinect

FRUIT NINJA KINECT CAME OUT TODAY!!!!!! WOOTWOOT. It's even better than the iPod version!!!! It's a GREAT stress reliever. This game will rid you of all your problems <3 I ADVISE YOU TO BUY THIS GAME.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Just Smurfy.

Went to go see the Smurfs today, it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! It was really funny, I'm Glad I decided to go. GO SMURFS!!! Coming home to DC Cupcakes is great too..... THX DADDY :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

King's Dominion

Wanna know what smart people do? Ride the Drop Zone, go eat alot of pizza, ride the Drop Zone again, and come back for a third time to be the test riders after the Drop Zone breaks. ;D That was the best time ever. There were NO LINES for anything!!! LOVED IT! We rode just about everything, and I bought an Intimidator 305 hat :D I ♥ KD!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Grandparents and Uncle Over

Soooooo happy! My grandparents and uncle are here til Tuesday. They're awesome and I can't wait to do fun stuff with them this weekend. WE might be going to an Air and Space museum and Steak and Shake tomorrow. I LOVE STEAK AND SHAKE!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Maroon 5 and train were amazing! It was the best concert I have ever been to. Just letting you know, I would like Live Nation giftcards for my birthday and Christmas so I can buy a VIP ticket to the next Maroon 5 concert! Pat Monahan (Train) was AWESOME!!!!! He was way better than I thought he'd be! He definitely knows how to perform. Adam Levine was awesome too! He was so happy and fun. He's really good at rockin out and keeping everyone excited. He was very dramatic when sionging his songs. I loved it!!! TRAIN AND MAROON 5 ♥

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Concert Today!

I can't wait to see Maroon 5 and Train later!!!!!!!!!! 8 more hours...... :D! I'm all prettied up, all we have to do is drive to Va Beach. We're staying at my mom's friend's sister's house for the night and driving back home tomorrow. I can't wait to see Adam Levine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And That's the End.

1 hour and 38 minutes. I tried to last 2 hours, but the laptop shut itself off. I suffered. For an hour and 38 minutes. PAIN. I've never enjoyed silence so much in my life. Being able to ONLY hear the SILENT popping in my Mountain Dew was amazing. Even though I failed at reaching 2 hours, I celebrated when the laptop died. I sat in my chair with my popping soda and wrote a letter to someone in SILENCE. Nyan Cat, I will never watch you EVER again. My record will always be 1 hour and 38 minutes.

Monday, August 1, 2011

SMS Spirit!

I helped sell spirit wear at SMS today! I had alot of fun. The 6th Graders didn't look as scared as they did last year. My principal and councelor asked me to decorate a white board so it would look nice for the newbies. I made it prettyful! I'm not feeling as down about starting school anymore. I have a feeling 8th Grade is gonna be a gooood year.
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics
I have a challenge for you guys! Megan and I got through an HOUR STRAIGHT of this, how long can you last? You aren't allowed to stop watching, even for a fraction of a second. If you have to go to the bathroom, take your iPhone with you. If all fails, just turn the volume up loud enough so you can hear it. Comment on the Nyan Cat post and tell me how long you lasted!